One place on earth where war never existed

Staying in my safe place where no war has ever started, I realise countless truths about myself and about the world that have always been with me. Yes, all this knowledge has already been inside me since always, but something stuffed it deep into those darkened places within myself where light can only reach if we dig deep. It is a bit as if we were meticulously covered with more and more layers of some kind of clay from the very beginning of our existence, so that we finally took the form that is just what society wants but which is completely unlike the truest version of us. And so we go through this life (feeling very heavy) to get terminally exhausted and fall, because the clay armour has become unbearable. Usually we fall on our knees when the life hits us really hard, a slight poking often doesn’t work and is not enough to change something in life and wake us up, but when we land with face in the mud and we can’t see literally anything! Aha! That’s when we feel motivated. We rub our eyes, surprised to see… the light! Only in labor and toil, when someone takes away the remnants of our dignity, we are able to discover our strength and power we have as individuals and as a society. Well, because … Nobody falls over from slight poking, and while living in the comfort zone, we tend to overlook signs send to us, and we do not even have a chance to discover the lion’s power lying within ourselves. So we can conclude that landing with our face in the mud can be really cool. However, it should be noted that such mud bath is avoidable if we do not forcefully ignore the signs and intuition of the heart clearly informing that a change is needed. Otherwise remember to wear some underwear.

The Fall always prompts us to look around and more importantly to look inside ourselves, into the heart. Whether you want it or not your heart is the epicentre of our body. And so we’re starting to wonder what I’m here for? Who am I? One by one, we remove identifications and prisms through which we look at ourselves and those through which others look at us.

We begin to look closely at the paradigms that were loaded to us since our childhood and we begin to remove the unnecessary ones and replace them with those that serve our best or simply our preferences. We can start the process of re-creating ourselves at any time, but we often fall apart into pieces before we begin, and this process is inevitable because we have ignored the warning signs. Ultimately, the pain of our fall can always disappear just as quickly as it appeared if we decide to implore it firmly and replace it with the emotion of growth and love. Another thing is that technically it is easier to build on the ruins of something than in a built-up space where we have less space and it is harder to maneuver.

Changing programs is a long process, considering that since childhood we are told what kind of people we should be and what we should do with life. However, it all starts with the intention to get rid of the clay armour and with the will to change, then you just have to give up to the flow and stop controlling, not spending every minute of your life on micro-management. For me, feelings are more important than details. Trusting what happens to us is a matter of faith, and it’s a pity that it is so often easier to believe in the driving force of the gods they teach us about at schools rather than in our own. Would you be afraid to think that you could create your own reality, is that right?

The present chaos on earth, reigning outside our hearts, makes us aware of how the very thing that should be treated in the sphere of diversity, has achieved quite an opposite effect. We have let ourselves be persuaded since forever that other human beings can be perceived as worse or better than us, by no means simply different than us, because it would mean we have non judgmental attitude and peaceful heart, and those who cause wars do not want peace on earth. Labelling and treating everything, including people in a hierarchical context, is one of the subjects most of us have passed with flying colors at some point in our lives. The moment has come when many of us got tired of it. We all got tired of the separation program. Why aren’t we taught since childhood to live in unity with everything that surrounds us?

Our minds have been greatly enslaved by all these divisions. They separated our head from the heart. However, we have another virus for this tyranny virus – the love virus. We can send intelligence to the heart and love to the mind. In the space of your, my heart, no war has ever existed. Hatred, war, separation are products of the mind, not the heart. Negative emotions are just other programs that we are not obligated to use. When I start the day with thoughts like: I am love, that today I will accept everything that will happen to me because I believe in the miracle of synchro-coincidences, that today I will not judge anyone or anything – I simply feel lighter at heart. Talking fondly to people (in my head) when they aren’t aware of, it really does good to the soul, and no matter how weird it can sound. The mind can question everything, but when I turn on my heart GPS all suddenly becomes clear. Ultimately, when you pass through this dark tunnel, you have to be a torch yourself, and you take steps intuitively from the heart level, because the mind can only panic when it can’t see anything. To the mind, darkness means insecurity and fear. For the heart, darkness can be a mystery and a new discovery.

Let’s do not let them feed us with fear anymore and separate from each other as all this negativity is slowly becoming out of fashion. We begin to believe in our infinity and the potential we have by living in harmony with nature, in love and respect for ourselves, others and mother Gaia. We know that harmony and peace come from living in solidarity, not from separation. You can find the meaning of life in spreading kind gestures and empathy.

Gods era came to the end.

We found the greatest power inside us.:)

Feel optimistic. Cause why to feel otherwise? S.Lem


“Close your eyes. Is it dark there?
Yes, she admitted.
Is it wrong? I whispered.
No, she hesitated.
Open your eyes. Is it light now?
Is everything you see good?



Dear reader, I greet you with love from a piece of land called Poland and I send the energy of gratitude to you. <3 We are A-L-L  O-N-E. 🙂  not A-L-O-N-E :**

One place on earth where war never existed

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