Good sides of being a seasonal worker

In the previous article I wrote about the disadvantages of a nomad lifestyle. Thought it would be better to talk about its good sides in part 2. It’s because I’d like to finish my next stream of thoughts with a positive accent and also it’s because I honestly believe that every turn of events in our life has a reason. I think it happens to teach us something, give us a chance to develop, and lead to the discovery of a more valuable version of ourselves. Below is a list of what I value in a nomad life or what I have learned in recent years.


     1. Becoming a minimalist

Something I am really pleased about is the fact of getting rid of some habits, that we usually have while living a consumer lifestyle. Living away from my home country with a 42l backpack proved me that it’s possible to survive 4 seasons of the year out of 20kg of stuff. First, I stopped buying, cause I simply didn’t have a room for this in the bag but later it turned out I simply don’t need most of the things I needed while living in one place. I started purchasing only goods and clothes I really was in need of. Those were necessary items to me and not the things I craved to simply have them. And as most of us have already realized many of our needs are artificially generated by capitalism and all those who stay behind this idea and who gain profits $$$ from our constant feeling of lacking  something.


     2. Living here and now in harmony with nature

Week by week quickly passes by and we barely have time for deeper reflection about our life. Even if we do, and a seed of new idea is born in our head, the weekend is too short for a deeper thought to sprout. Mortage or good job often keep people away from taking decisions about changes and make people being attached to one place. Then, at the time of a sudden burn out or depression we can’t “afford” taking snap, spontaneous decisions. Working for the season gives me more space and longer periods of rest and holidays. During those transition periods I can celebrate slow live, thoughts have space and time to come to my mind and being processed. I have time to look around and be with nature more often.


     3. Making friends

The friendships and people I’ve met are one of the most precious rewards of recent years. During this time I made many friendships, met many soul mates. Contact with some is on and off, with others more frequent, and with many, despite the lack of regular conversations, I feel a bond and know that after a long period of silence we would not feel any discomfort during the meeting. It’s also nice to have good friends in different parts of the world, and thus the option of a low-budget trip abroad along with spending time in good company.


     4. Living a casual life in different countries

In Poland lives my family and a handful of friends, however the coming backs to Poland are tough for me sometimes. I experienced a life in countries where you can have a normal job but still have a good standard of life. It’s a nice feeling when you can actually live your life a little and don’t work only to survive until next month. In which country will I settle for good? Hard dilemma. Whatever the decision will be I still find it a plus to experience a life in different countries and at least have a choice.


     5. Self reliance & fighting spirit

When we get into a tornado, we only think about how to get out of it. I had to inherit some warlike gene after one of my parents because when I was feeling ill abroad, or even had barely means to survive, I never thought about coming back. Once I analyzed it and found out that it was just one of the programs in my brain, the result of upbringing – nothing more complicated. For me, London was the most tough school of life. This town has no mercy for those with empty wallets . However, now I know: with a penny or without, I will survive somehow. And if we consider the instability, insecurity of the world and the fluidity of everything that only seems to be permanent, I feel more safe in it with having my little warrior’s spirit.

     6. Inner changes

I haven’t spent the last few years traveling around the world, planning every few weeks what I will see and what attractions I will spend money on. I have probably already mentioned that last years were more about living in exile and attempting to respond appropriately to existing reality. I can honestly say that my decade from my twenties to thirties (Jesus it’s just happened) was the time to follow my intuition and my heart’s voice, while ignoring life in the material world (but constantly struggling with it). I mentioned here that this trip, although it was full of twists and turns (and whose is not?) led me to achieve mental balance and brought a lot of peace in my heart. Thanks to these profound changes, life has gained new sharpness and incomparably greater value. I think it’s true that by leaving the comfort zone we expose ourselves to a large number of difficult and uncomfortable situations, thus having more chances to built our character and constantly reinvent ourselves.

So what is the answer? Is it worth to live somewhere else every few months? I met many souls who were much older than me and who feel fulfilled by not having a one place to life forever. From the other side I also know many of those who come back Poland due to family’s attachment.

I guess those articles didn’t help me to answer the question.
It is easier to agree with the statement that there is best time for everything in life but we can decide what we want to fill our picture with at a given moment.

But there is one thing I know for sure. I think last 10 years of my life I spent as I wanted and I guess that’s the only thing that really matters. I wish myself to admit the same in 10 years from now.

Good luck to you my friends and to myself during the trip called LIFE. I wish us all it will always be as we want it.

Stay safe and be the good one.;)

Good sides of being a seasonal worker
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